Three Lists which can help to get you "unstuck"

Recently, I have been reflecting on the grief which often goes unacknowledged in our community. I have been reminded in my counselling room of the way in which difficult emotions like anger, frustration, sadness and despair can be hard to express, often leaving us feeling unheard by those around us, and overwhelmed. At these times it can also become very difficult to work out which is the step that we need to take next to get ourselves back on track.

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Dealing with Loneliness

One of the things that I have been reflecting on lately, is the amount of loneliness evident in our community. As I have said in this space before, it is almost certainly true that the loneliest people are currently young. It is also true that older people are at great risk of experiencing loneliness, and that it's a feeling which can hit us all from time to time.

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